Author Archive | Cris Notti

Antique Blackamoor 18K Yellow Gold Brooch And Earrings Covered In Sapphires Circa 1890 detail

The Truth and History of the Blackamoor

There has been so much controversy of late on the Blackamoor and Blackamoor jewelry. THE TRUTH When Megan Markel meet the Royal Family Princess Margret of Kent was wearing a Blackamoor brooch.  Journalists and the press made a very loud statement that this was a racists brooch and it was worn to insult the future […]

Plique a Jour Jewelry - butterfly

Plique a Jour Jewelry

What is Plique a Jour Jewelry: Plique a Jour is French for “letting light in”, or “Pools of Light.” It defines the vitreous enameling technique where enamel is applied in cells similar to cloisonné but with no backing in the final product, so light can flow through the transparent or translucent enamel. This requires a […]

History of Snake Jewelry

History of Snake Jewelry | Stunning, culturally diverse and symbolic The history of Snake jewelry has been around since Egyptian times.  The snake one of the earliest and culturally diverse symbols in jewelry. Since Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, this slithering serpent has represented a host of different meanings to different cultures. […]

Tutti Frutti Necklace Diamonds Carved Emeralds, Rubies, Sapphires 18K Gold #3

Tutti Frutti Jewelry

Hi Everyone, Tutti Frutti Jewelry: This is my first blog and I will be posting each and every month. My purpose is to educate anyone who wants to know more about jewelry. I believe jewelry is a great investment especially for women.  Tthe value increases each year and it takes little room to store. Buy [...]